Dashboard Designing In OpenERP
Dashboard is one of the major features in ERP, that simplifies the analysis of information.
In OpenERP user can create your own dashboard without involving a technical person. Dashboard feature is included in the module “board”.
Desigining a simple dashboard
In OpenERP
Administration -->Customization -->Reporting --> Dashboard Definition
first, name the dashboad. Define views in the one2many field.
In the one2many form(dashboard view) fill necessary details like as follows.
Title -> Any name you can identify.
Sequence -> is used for the priority
Width and height -> is used for the panel size settings
Action -> action that should be visible in dashboard
Postion -> is used for arranging the panel, left or right.
You can add any number of views in a single dashboard
Then you can create a menu for analyis, by using “Create Menu” button .It creates new menu in OpenERP.
Dashboard view
We can set this dashboard as our homepage, which will be visible while we login.