Hotel/Restaurant Management
Hotel/Restaurant Management
There are lots of softwares available in market for Hotel/Restaurant. But among the available softwares catering this market, only a few cater full application for hotel industry. If we take a small or mid sized hotels we can find most of them dosent have a software or even if they have, it would be just a typical billing software. In the other scenario those softwares which cater full fledged application for hotel industry are mostly costly which only big hotels could afford. Getting a cost effective integrated solutions for these type of industry catering small/mid sized market is one of the biggest challenge.
ZestyBeanz had done customizations on OpenERP modules to bring out a generic cost effective integrated solution for this industry catering there needs. The industry specific module has incorporated reservation system (which includes reservation details, room availability status,room booking status etc), folio management, restaurant management system (which includes Table booking, Order, Table orders, Kitchen order ticket(KOT)), House Keeping, Management information system which includes Hotel reservation report (which includes reservation list, Check-In list, Check-out list), Table reservation list, Hotel Folio report,Activity report. Other modules like HR, Marketing, payroll, Accounting etc available in OpenERP along with user Privileges & access control methods, makes it a cost effective complete integrated solution.
Reservation Form
Hotel Room Reservation
Room Availability