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Production Lots, Tracebility and Expiry of Prodcuts

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Vishnu Devaraj's picture

Production Lots, Tracebility and Expiry of Prodcuts

Production Lot

Production lots (batch numbers) are represented by a unique product or an assembly of identical products leaving the same production area. They are usually identified by bar codes stuck on the products. The batch can be marked with a supplier number or your own company numbers.

In OpenERP Production lot can be checked through the following menu

Warehouse ‣ Traceability ‣Prodcution Lots

Let's Check the functionality of prodcution lots through an example

The below figure shows a product – CPU2 where both real and virtul stocks are '0'.


1) Place a purchase order for 50 Units of the prodcut CPU2.


2) Once the PO is approved, Check the incomimg shipment for receiving the products

Menu : Warehouse > Warehouse Management > Incoming Shipments

3) Open the “stock moves” for editing. You will see a field “Production Lot”. Create a new production lot for handling our prodcut “CPU2”. Here we are creating and selecting a new entry '0000001'. After that procss the Incomimng shipment

4) Go to the menu Warehouse ‣ Traceability ‣ Production Lots. Here you can see the Lot that we created during the move. All the stock moves related to the particular Lot can be see inside the Lot

5)Now Craete a Sale order by choosing the same product CPU2 with 25 units for sale. Confirm the order.

6) Go to Menu: Warehouse ‣ Warehouse Management ‣ Delivery Orders

Find the corresponding Delivery order. Edit the stock move to select the production lot. Select the same lot that we created during the purchase process. Complete the process

7)Now open the Production lot again. You can see both the moves related to the particular lot here

8)There are two kinds of tracebility in production lots

  • Upstream Traceability : It runs from the raw materials received from the supplier and follows the chain to the finished products delivered to customers. (Note that the name is confusing - this would often be considered a downstream direction. Think of it as Where Used.)

  • Downstream Traceability : It follows the product in the other direction, from customer to the different suppliers of raw material. (Note that the name is confusing - this would often be considered an upstream direction. Think of it as Where Supplied.)

The screenshot blelow shows the action the Upstream Traceability button.

Below you can see a screen of downstream tracebility, taken out from another example


Product Expiry Feature

The OpenERP module “product_expiry”, controlls the expiry of production lots. The module modifies the product and production lot forms to add some new fields.

In Product form a new tab - Dates will appear after the installation of the module. It contains four new fields that define the expiry related days of that particular product


In Production Lot also you can see four new fields grouped under the label “Dates”. When we create a new production lot for a product, the fileds will be filled automatically based on the related expiry parameters of the product. For example, if the “Product Life Time” of the product that we selected for a lot is “100”, the “End of Life Date” of the Prodcution Lot will be calucalted automatically by adding 100 days to the creation date of that lot. The same thing happnes with the other 3 fileds also. The lot will be un usable after the “End of Life Date”

Pritesh's picture

Hello Vishnu it is very nice

Hello Vishnu

it is very nice and very useful post.

Those who knows OpenERP for them this is one of the tricky help (idea) to do more operation or solve some business process solution.


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I appreciate spending some

I appreciate spending some time to talk about that, I believe firmly regarding this and so really enjoy understanding more about this kind of subject.Keep up the good work!