Opening stocks upload : Odoo module
Here we are discussing about the working of the above Odoo module Update Stocks Opening Balance, which is used to perform mass import of stocks of products in Odoo.
Steps to be followed to achieve mass import
1. Create a Record in Inventory Adjustments Eg: Annual Inventory
2. Choose Inventory of Manual Selection of Products
3. After the above processes, we have to perform the mass stock update using the wizard Update Stock Adjustments
* Menu : Warehouse → Inventory Control → Update Stock Adjustments
* The above menu open up a pop up window which helps the user to perform the mass stock import of products using a csv sheet
4. Select Inventory Location as Annual Inventory, which we made for importing mass stocks of some products.
5. Now we are going to update stock inventory for three products Computer Case, DataCard and External Hard Disk.
The below is the csv sheet and the datas to import.
6. After selecting the csv sheet in the file upload field, press upload button.
7. Go to the Annual Inventory record to see the changes.
The quantities for the above mentioned products has been uploaded as Inventory Details, in the Inventory adjustment record.
Before inventory update the quantities for the above products were zero.
You can see above that for the above products, Quantity on Hand and Quantity Available are zero.
After the successful upload, press Validate Inventory button to update the stock with the uploaded quantities
1. Product in which the serial number should be entered compulsory(checking Full Lots Traceability in product form).
a. If this is the condition then, it will ask for the serial number when we press Validate Inventory button.
b. Here we have provided a check button Do not Change Real QTY, if this is checked then we cannot alter the real qty uploaded, otherwise the Real Qty will get loaded as the Qty available for that Serial number
c. If this condition is checked, and after these conditions press Validate Inventory, then these quantities will get updated not only in the product inventory but also in this particular Lot number.
You can see that the inventory for the above products has been updated.
2. Product in which the validation can be done without asking serial number.(without Traceability)
a. If this is the case then, it will not ask for serial number, and the inventory will get updated directly without updating any other records.
Additional Feature
- A new feature Quantity to be Added has been added
- If we need to give additional quantity along with the Real QTY or need to reduce the quantity from Real Qty then, we can specify the number of quantity to be added or reduced respectively in the Quantity to be Added field
- Add minus sign(-) to reduce the quantity.