Affiliate Marketing
Even though the word seems to be unfamiliar, all of us might have experienced 'Affiliate Marketing' directly or indirectly,especially if you are part of the e-commerce world. "Affiliate marketing is a marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's own marketing efforts". In more simple words, "affiliate marketing is the marketing of products or services that are not your own" . It is the strategy that allows one company to expand their marketing with the efforts of their affiliate company or companies. In internet world the strategy may look alike with regular internet marketing. But there are some features that make affiliate marketing unique and provide a special scheme of functioning. Lets have a look into the structure
A merchant can be a retailer or a brand. He is the one who wants to advertise and sell the product. The network used can be of any sort, but dominantly internet prevails. An affiliate partner signs up to advertise the merchant's goods or services in order to direct a customer to the relevant web page which contains the information about advertised goods or services. For every customer an affiliate gets affiliate marketing commission.
The various compensation methods used in affiliate marketing are as follows
1)cost per sale (CPS) : It is a type of profit sharing strategy and accounts for about 80% of affiliate compensation programs
2)cost per action (CPA) : Here the advertiser pays for each specified action (a purchase, a form submission, and so on) linked to the advertisement.
3)cost per click (CPC) : A visitor must not only be made aware of the advertisement, but must also click on the advertisement to visit the advertiser's website for the affiliate to receive a commission
4)cost per mille (CPM) : Cost per mille requires only that the publisher make the advertising available on his website and display it to his visitors in order to receive a commission
In the first three methods the merchant must identify the exact Affiliate to pay him the commission. There are many types of affiliate tracking softwares available in the market. Such softwares extract affiliate link - The web page that directed the customer into the product page using different method, and identify the affiliate.
Zesty Beanz has developed a solution to manage affiliates, in OpenERP. A model that keeps affiliate details along with all the links he uses for promotion. Here ERP is integrated with a web portal that acts as a front end for sales. When a good or service is sold the information is updated in OpenERP. During this updation the affiliate link also is passed from portal to Open ERP. OpenERP searches its databse for the link, identifies the Affiliate and updates his commission automatically based on pre-defined parameters.
Since this article was first
Since this article was first released, we have implemented several of these techniques into our best practice guidelines, and continue to make improvements every day.
Buzzsumo is a resource that
Buzzsumo is a resource that we use daily in the Content Team, and this article of their research findings gave some great insights into what makes good content, and how people are engaging with content online.
Hi, I am a keen follower of
I am a keen follower of your blog posts and i love them. I have been experimenting with affiliate all as an opensource affilliate system and so far so good.
Is your openerp system available as a module. I would really love to have a go at it. Thanks and keep up the good work.
We haven't develeoped it as a
We haven't develeoped it as a separate module at present .it is a functionality along with many other features in non-generfic module. we may be publishing it as a generic module soon in the future
When is the expected release
When is the expected release of the module?